March Associates was contracted by UNESCO as the national M&E consultant to support the monitoring and evaluation of the Connect with Respect (CwR) pilot project in Zambia. The objective of the pilot was to investigate the uptake and impact of the CwR resource which aims to prevent School‐Related Gender‐Based Violence (SRGBV). Monitoring data was collected and analyzed on the following aspects: (a) Impact of associated professional learning on teacher confidence and competence; (b) Impact of the program on student attitudes, behaviours and experiences of gender-based violence and help-seeking; and (c) factors influencing program fidelity. The study was conducted in 24 participating schools and 2,400 learners and 84 teachers were interviewed in the process. The study was conducted in four provinces, namely, Copperbelt, Central, Southern and Lusaka. Key research activities included, three waves of data collection (Baseline, during implementation and endline) and report writing for each wave of data collection.