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International Development


March Associates was engaged by the US Presidential Malaria Initiative’s VectorLink and PSI to undertake the Durability Monitoring of Insecticide Treated Nets from 2021 to 2024. The primary objective of the study is to assess the longevity and effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in combating malaria transmission. The project is being conducted in Nyimba and Serenje Districts which are known for their vulnerability to malaria and are part of the broader efforts supported by the US Presidential Malaria Initiative. The project comprises four waves of data collection – the baseline done in 2021; 12 months follow-up in 2022; 24 months follow-up in 2022/23- and 36-months follow-up in 2023/24. The project represents a critical effort to assess the long-term durability and performance of insecticide-treated nets in the fight against malaria, with the ultimate goal of improving the health and well-being of the local communities of Nyimba and Serenje Districts in Zambia.


In 2019 March Associates was contracted by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to undertake an evaluation of the fertilizer value chain in Zambia. Overall the scope of work for the study was to: (i) identify key players across the various nodes of the fertilizer value chain; (ii) assess the performance of the actors; (iii) evaluate the level and impact of government’s fertilizer programs and interventions on the competitiveness of the fertilizer industry; (iii) evaluate the behaviour of players (firms and other actors) to identify potential anti-competitive practices based on the development of theories of harm; (iv) assess the adequacy of support services and policies and their impact on competitiveness in the fertilizer value chain. They key activities included, data collection and analysis, and main report writing.


In 2020, March Associates was engaged to conduct rapid appraisals for the Africa Agriculture Trade Investment Fund (AATIF) credit facilities, namely Mount meru and Africa Milling Limited. The purpose of the Rapid Appraisal was to collect and analyse a selected and limited set of comparable data, as a basis for assessing the overall impact of AATIF and to learn for future investments. The scope for the study entailed the direct operations of Mount Meru (soybeans, sunflower and cotton procurement and processing) and along the cotton supply chain and AML (maize and wheat processing) and the entire maize supply chain (maize farmers and aggregators). The Mount Meru rapid appraisal was conducted between September and October 2020 in Chisamba (Central Province) and Chipata, Katete, Lundazi and Mambwe districts in Eastern Province and data was collected from 163 cotton farmers. Additionally, the AML rapid appraisal was conducted in October 2020 in Chiparamba, Katete and Sinda Districts of Eastern Province and Chilanga, Kafue and Lusaka Districts of Lusaka Province and data was collection from 160 maize farming households. Key activities included, data collection and analysis, writing of two main appraisal reports and impact briefs.


In 2021 March Associates was contracted by the Ministry of finance and National Planning to conduct an annual Outcome Survey of the Rural Finance Expansion Program. The overall objective of the survey was to progressively track the program outcomes of increasing access to and use of sustainable financial services for the poor rural women, men and youth in targeted areas. The survey was conducted in Eastern (Petauke, Lundazi and Katete), Lusaka (Chongwe, Kafue and Lusaka), Central (Chibombo, Kapiri Mposhi and Chisamba) and Southern (Monze, Gwembe and Mazabuka) Provinces. Data was collected from 549 beneficiary and non beneficiary households. Key research activities included, data collection and analysis, and report writing.


March Associates was contracted by UNESCO as the national M&E consultant to support the monitoring and evaluation of the Connect with Respect (CwR) pilot project in Zambia. The objective of the pilot was to investigate the uptake and impact of the CwR resource which aims to prevent School‐Related Gender‐Based Violence (SRGBV). Monitoring data was collected and analyzed on the following aspects: (a) Impact of associated professional learning on teacher confidence and competence; (b) Impact of the program on student attitudes, behaviours and experiences of gender-based violence and help-seeking; and (c) factors influencing program fidelity. The study was conducted in 24 participating schools and 2,400 learners and 84 teachers were interviewed in the process. The study was conducted in four provinces, namely, Copperbelt, Central, Southern and Lusaka. Key research activities included, three waves of data collection (Baseline, during implementation and endline) and report writing for each wave of data collection.


March Associates was contracted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to conduct the 2020 annual household survey (AHS) for the Green Innovations Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector (GIC) project in Zambia. The overall purpose of the survey was to measure the outcome and adoption indicators for the GIC Project. The survey was conducted in Eastern (Chipata, Katete, Lundazi, Mambwe and Petauke Districts) and Southern (Namwala, Choma and Monze Districts) Provinces. Key research activities included, quantitative data collection from 900 households and qualitative data collection from key stakeholders, data analysis and main and summary report writing.


March Associates was contracted in 2017 by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) Geneva office to undertake the evaluation of the Female and Male Operated Small Enterprises (FAMOS) Check Tool implemented in Zambia from 2010 to 2017. The objectives of the study were to: (i) establish the status of FAMOS implementation and financial inclusion in the country; (ii) understand the progress and results achieved by the commercial banks and BoZ after engaging in a FAMOS process; and (iii) document the efforts by the Zambian financial sector towards creating a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem that would benefit women entrepreneurs. Key evaluation activities included, qualitative data collection in Lusaka, analysis and report writing.


March Associates was contracted by the BioCarbon Partners (BCP) to undertake the 2022 social monitoring survey. The main objective of the consultancy was to assess community perceptions and household income from participation in BCP’s reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation plus (REDD+) projects – Luangwa community forests project (LCFP) and Lower Zambezi REDD+ project (LZRP). For both the LCFP and LZRP data was collected from 500 households in 18 chiefdoms. The key research activities included, data collection/analysis and writing of two reports.


In 2017 March Associates was contracted by Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection (JCTR) to undertake an assessment of agricultural policies and laws in Zambia. The overall objective of the assessment was to provide an analysis of agricultural laws and policies focusing on the following four areas – diversification, post-harvest losses, value addition, and marketing within Zambia and beyond its borders. Key research activities included, data collection, document review, main report writing, summary report, an article for the JCTR bulletin and a policy brief.

A development research consultancy firm with headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia.
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A development research consultancy firm with headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia.
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